NEW CLASS! Saturday, April 13, from 9-10:30 a.m.
The Art of Cord Rosary Making with expert rosary maker Clifford Hebert
Both children and adults will share the experience of creating a one-of-a-kind rosary that can be a sacred keepsake or given as a gift from your hands and heart. It is an art form that can be shared with family, young and old, and within faith circles.
Cliff Hebert, Breaux Bridge businessman and St. Bernard Catholic Church parishioner, has made thousands of rosaries for people near and far. He is excited to teach his gifts at Teche Center for the Arts in a class brought to you by Hugs from Heaven and Becky & Clifford Hebert.
Register now!
FEE: $10, includes all materials, instruction, and rosary prayer card.
For additional info please email info@techecenterforthearts.com or call TCA at (337) 366-0629.
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